Freitag, 31. Mai 2013

Shark Point

Location: Andaman Sea

Water type: Salt water

Average current: moderate to strong

Average logged depth: 10-30m

Maximum logged depth: 30m

Shark Point is part of a Marine Sanctuary and is justifiably the most popular of the local dive sites. Named after the docile Leopard Sharks that are often encountered resting on the sandy seafloor here. The official Thai name for this site is Hin Musang or 'Shark Rock'. Approaching from the sea Shark Point appears as a tiny rock outcropping of no particular interest but beneath the surface lies a vast multicolored reef teeming with marine life.

The main attraction here, in addition to sharks and vast schools of tropical fish are the colorful soft corals and sea fans that decorate this huge limestone pinnacle.

The reef can be broken into three main sections and most divers could spend several days at least exploring the many interesting facets of the site which is arguably the most popular of all the local day-iving sites. Currents can be brisk at this site but they tend run parallel to the reef sections and allow for an excellent drift dive back to the dive boat.

King Cruiser wreck

Location: Andaman Sea

Water type: Salt water

Average current: light

Average logged depth: 10-20m

Maximum logged depth: 30m

This is the wreck of the car ferry of the same name that sank off the West Coast of Southern Thailand on 4 May 1997. The ferry was operating between Phuket and the Phi Phi Islands when she hit a submerged collection of rocky pinnacles at Anemone Reef, 10 miles off Phi Phi Island. The impact tore a large hole in the hull, and the vessel sank within two and a half hours. All 561 passengers – including both Thai locals and foreign tourists – were rescued. They were picked up by the two police patrol boats and four or five fishing boats which had raced to the rescue in response to an emergency call. One elderly woman sustained a broken back and several others suffered shock.

The vessel is now a popular recreational dive site and acts as an artificial reef to complement the Anenome Reef. The vessel sits upright on a sandy bottom in around 30m of water rising to ~10m at the top of the wreck. The wreck remains largely in one piece, although the upper deck has collapsed. The simplest and safest point of entry is through the vessel's stern, where divers can explore the once active car decks. Machinery still sits on the deck. Inside the car deck are a couple of vehicle tyres and an engine trolley. Rows of passenger seats and low coffee tables fill the inner recesses. The collapsed foredeck is at 16 metres, where there is a stack of plastic picnic tables and chairs often surrounded by a cloud of snapper. The upper deck is split from front to back. Within and around the wreck there is lots of coral growth and an abundance of fish. Soft corals can be found growing along the sides and top of the wreck. Schools of bigeye trevally are often spotted circling above the captain's cabin. Large schools of yellow snapper hang around the entrances to the car deck and along the remains of the upper deck, and lionfish can be seen dotted around the wreck. There are also occasional encounters with leopard sharks and bamboo sharks, barracuda and turtles.

Phi Phi Island

Location: Andaman Sea

Water type: Salt water

Average current: variable, often strong, good drift diving

Average logged depth: 3-15m

Maximum logged depth: 27m

The Phi Phi Islands are one of the most dramatically beautiful locations in the world. The scenery from the surface is absolutely stunning; colossal emerald green monoliths rising straight from the sea and soaring to heights of more than 500 meters. Underwater, these towers shape a rugged, interesting environment for scuba divers, and over time the elements have created caves, overhangs, and swim-throughs in the soft limestone rock.

Other dive profiles include vertical walls that plunge from the surface to over 25 meters. On these walls growing in every nook and cranny are found a profusion of soft corals, large orange-colored fans, black corals, and long stringy sea whips. There are several unusual types of coral that can only be found in the waters surrounding the Phi-Phi Islands including a one meter high white coral bush that is shaped like a Christmas tree complete with little ornaments.

The Phi Phi Islands offer a remarkable variety of dive sites concentrated in a small area. One of the most popular dive sites is located at the Southern tip of the small island of Ko Bida Nok. In a shallow bay on the Eastern side of the island are found huge gardens of stag horn and star corals and incredible numbers of colorful reef fish. In spite of diving visibility often being limited to 5-20 meters the Phi Phi Islands are likely to remain among the most popular diving locations Southeast Asia.

Koh Dok Mai

Location: Andaman Sea

Water type: Salt water

Average current: variable, often strong

Average logged depth: 15-20m

Maximum logged depth: 33m

This small, jungle topped island is located on the way to Shark Point from Phuket and is considered one of the best wall dives in the area. Doc Mai is a huge limestone rock that rises steeply out of the sea.

On three sides the sheer walls occupied with a different creature in every nook and cranny drop straight down to the sea floor.

The west side is a gently sloping hard coral reef with an abundance of colorful sea life decorating its underwater cliffs. This dive is noted for its variety of reef fish and an opportunity to view some of the resident Moray Eels. This spot is very good for underwater macro photography with good chances to spot a yellow tiger-tail Seahorse, ornate and harlequin ghost pipefish. On the sandy bottom you may find a Leopard Shark sleeping or even a grey Reef Shark or Bamboo Shark. The coral is superb and very colorful.

The east-side of the island is a virtual garden of yellow tube corals and you can explore some of the small caves along the base of the wall. This is a fairly short dive as you can easily swim around the entire island, and it is included on many on day-trips to Shark Point and Anemone Reef.

Anemone Reef

Location: Andaman Sea

Water type: Salt water

Average current: calm

Average logged depth: 10-15m

Maximum logged depth: 30m

This unique dive-site is a huge lime-stone pinnacle that soars 30 meters up from the seafloor to just beneath the surface then abruptly ends and drops back to a bottom of sand and oyster shells.

This barely submerged reef is a well-known shipping hazard and is located less than a mile North of Shark Point. The Thai name for this site is Hin Jom (underwater rock). Although not as colorful as Shark Point this site is famous for its vast fields of sea anemones that cling to every conceivable surface and swing and sway with the current creating an illusion of it being a giant living

The profusion of sea anemones and the nutrient-rich water are a magnet to a constant parade of reef fish seeking food and shelter. Enormous schools of tropical fish, snappers, groupers, and colorful clown fish, along with larger game-fish like tuna and barracuda, and the occasional leopard shark can be seen passing by. Anemone Reef is also famous as a site for to viewing lionfish sometimes encountered in-groups of twelve or more.

Donnerstag, 30. Mai 2013

Racha Islands

Location: Andaman Sea

Water type: Salt water

Average current: calm

Average logged depth: 5-15m

Maximum logged depth: 30m

Not everyone spells the Thai names of the islands the same way Racha is often spelled Rajah and Raya. The Phi-Phi Islands are also spelled Pee-Pee. When reading about local dive-sites It helps to learn a few Thai words Ao means beach, Ko (or Koh) means Island, Hin means Rock, Yai means large, and Noi means small.

Racha Noi is the more isolated of the two islands and is a popular dive-site for more experienced divers, as the depths are generally greater and the currents frequently stronger than at its sister island to the North. You will encounter huge underwater boulders that offer a good chance to see manta rays and whale sharks. The northern tip of the island offers an opportunity for a good multilevel dive along a large pinnacle where spotting larger marine life like Reef Sharks and Stingrays is common.

Off the southern point is a nice drift dive along some spectacular scenery as you find yourself on top of a large rock formation surrounded by deep water. On the southwest side there is a wooden ship-wreck that draws a lot of interesting reef fish. Racha Noi offers many opportunities for an enjoyable and rewarding deep-dive but due to the potential for strong currents here many of the dive shops will only bring divers here who have an advanced certification.

Racha Yai offers some of the best local year around dive-sites but the visibility varies as to the season. On the north end of the island are two beautiful little bays famous for their a deep clear water and colorful coral formations. Both of them have almost swimming pool features as they gradually drop to a depth of 40 feet onto a sandy seabed, providing ample opportunities for both snorkeling and scuba diving. The best diving is off the east coast where the current allows a gentle drift dive along a sloping rocky face that is covered with an amazing array of hard corals and the nutrient rich water draws large schools of tropical fish.

The Harruby Liveaboard wreck

Location: Andaman Sea, Racha Islands

Water type: Salt water

Average current: calm

Average logged depth: 10-15m

Maximum logged depth: 22m

Out from the reef between bays 1 and 2 there are two wrecks deliberately sunk as artificial reefs, surrounding them are the artificial reef cubes. The Harruby was sunk in 2009 and was an old liveaboard made of steel lying upright at 20m, the Andaman Eagle was sunk a little earlier in 2007 and is an wooden construction lying at 28m leaning slightly to her side. There is a decent line which goes to the harruby, where long fin batfish hang around, often following you as you circuit the wreck.

Harruby has many lionfish and scorpion fish on it and at the bow you have a chance to see an ornate ghost pipefish. From the bow there is a line connecting the two wrecks, but usually visibility is good enough to see the Andaman Eagle. This wreck is in a more degraded state, with much of the wooden structure rotting away over the years. Here angelfish, scorpion fish and lionfish are seen.

Once the wrecks have been explored head past the cubes, look out for pipefish and nudibranchss also the devil scorpion fish has been seen here. Head into the shallow water over the sand, looking out gareden eels, gobies with their shrimp, khule’s stingrays and flounders on the way.

Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2013

Tauchen und Asthma

Kopf unter Wasser, Neopren auf der Haut, kiloweise Blei um die Hueften - und dann tief Luft holen. Tauchen? Das muss bei einem Asthmatiker schiefgehen. Wie ist es, wenn einem 31 Meter unter der Wasseroberflaeche die Luft wegbleibt.

Ein Erfahrungsbericht von Jens Lubbadeh

Es ist ja schon der Wahnsinn: Erst quält man sich in ein Ganzkörperkondom, schnallt sich kiloweise Bleigewichte um die Hüften, packt sich die Druckflasche auf den Rücken, zieht Flossen an die Füße und eine Maske übers Gesicht - und dann springt man auch noch so hinein ins Wasser.

Es geht abwärts. In die Welt der Rochen, Muränen und Anemonen. Tauchen ist eine phänomenale Erfahrung. Ich kann nur jedem raten, es einmal zu probieren. Vergessen Sie diese albernen Parabelflüge. Nirgendwo sonst bekommt man auf Erden so billig und so lange Schwerelosigkeit wie beim Tauchen. Und jede Menge Frischfisch obendrein.

Vorsicht, bissiger Nemo!

Doch das Fisch-Universum hat seine eigenen Gesetze. Sie kennen Nemo, den süßen Clownfisch? Der sieht tatsächlich sehr niedlich aus, wenn er sich in seiner Makkaroni-Anemone verkriecht. Aber Nemo kann auch anders. Kommt man ihm und seiner Anemone zu nah, schießt er schnurstracks auf einen los - ganz egal, ob man hundertmal größer ist. Nemo hat meine Freundin mal gebissen, bis das Blut kam. Und die ist eigentlich auch echt süß. Das fanden auch die drei Feuerfische, die sich mal an sie ranmachten. Wunderschöne, imposante Tiere mit einem kunterbunten, strahlenförmigen Flossenkostüm, die aussehen wie kleine Drachen. Sie schwimmen sehr langsam - was toll ist, weil man sie dann besonders gut beobachten kann. Warum sie so langsam schwimmen, war uns nicht klar: weil sie wahnsinnig giftig sind. Als wir einmal zum Ende eines Tauchgang einen Sicherheitsstop machten - man muss beim Auftauchen dem Stickstoff Zeit geben, aus dem Blut zu entweichen - tuckerten drei Feuerfische von hinten auf sie zu. Nur noch einen halben Meter entfernt, wollte ich ihr die drei hübschen Gesellen zeigen. Unser Tauchguide hielt das für keine gute Idee und wir schwammen - durchaus sehr schnell - davon.

Atemnot beim Wracktauchen

Soweit die Tierwelt. In diesem Urlaub aber erlebte ich ein Abenteuer der anderen Art, ganz unten, in 31 Meter Tiefe. So weit runter gehe ich selten, das meiste sieht man auch weiter oben. Aber diesmal wollten wir ein Wrack betauchen. Dort angekommen, winkte mir der Tauchguide, dass ich auf ihn zuschwimmen sollte - er wollte ein Foto von mir machen. Da passierte es: Ich war plötzlich außer Atem. Dabei hatte ich mich gar nicht angestrengt. Ich war auch nicht nervös, schließlich tauche ich seit 13 Jahren.

Ich sog so viel Luft aus dem Atemregler in meinem Mund, wie ich konnte. Ich spürte sie in meine Lungen sprudeln. Aber es wurde nicht besser. Ich atmete wieder und wieder tief ein, doch ich bekam einfach nicht genug Luft. Langsam wie ein Feuerfisch stieg Panik in mir hoch.

31 Meter sind nichts - über Wasser. Die rennt man in wenigen Sekunden. Das ist etwas mehr als eine Bahnlänge im Schwimmbad. Die kraule ich in einer halben Minute. Doch eine 31 Meter hohe Wassersäule über einem trennt einen von der Außenwelt wie die meterdicke Betonwand eines Atombunkers. Obwohl man genau weiß, dass man diese paar Meter schnell durchschwimmen könnte, darf man es nicht. Denn das Blut ist voll mit dem Stickstoff aus der komprimierten Luft der Druckflasche. Würde man aus dieser Tiefe schnell nach oben schwimmen, würde das Gas im Blut ausperlen. Man würde sich in eine überschäumende Sektflasche verwandeln.

Der Überlebenswille interessiert sich nicht für Tauchtheorie

Hat man unten ein Problem, muss man es auch unten lösen. Soweit die Theorie, die einem immer und immer wieder eingehämmert wurde. Unser Überlebenswille interessiert sich aber nicht für den PADI-Tauchkurs. Der schickt nur einen einzigen Befehl an den Rest des Körpers: raus!

Immerhin war ich geistesgegenwärtig genug, nicht den Schleudersitz zu zünden, sondern schwamm zu meinem Tauchguide. Ich signalisierte ihm, dass ich ein Problem mit der Luft hatte und machte eine Faust mit dem Daumen hoch. Über Wasser heißt das: alles top. Unter Wasser: Nichts ist top. Ich muss raus, sonst zeigt gleich der Daumen nach unten.

Er nahm mich hoch, aber nur einige Meter, um den Druck zu lindern. Und dann tat er etwas Großartiges: Er presste den Knopf auf meinem Mundstück. Schon mal an der Tankstelle bei der Reifen-Pumpe auf den Knopf mit dem Plus gedrückt? Sofort schoss ein Schwall Luft heraus, direkt in meine Lunge. Dieser Knopf ist eigentlich dazu da, das Mundstück mit Luft auszupusten, wenn es mal mit Wasser vollläuft. Jetzt pumpte er meine Lungen auf. Darauf wäre ich im Leben nicht gekommen. Ich hatte wieder genug Luft, die Panik war weg. Wir tauchten weiter und und machten noch jede Menge Fotos.

Der Vorfall dauerte höchstens zwei Minuten - es waren die längsten meines Lebens. Was genau mir da unten passiert ist, weiß ich nicht, vermutlich hatte ich einen leichten asthmaanfall. Ich weiß nur: Künftig werde ich unter Wasser den Ball flach halten.

aus Spiegel online Gesundheit

Phang Nga Province

tolle Werbung fuer die Provinz Phang Nga:
(bitte den Link anklicken)

A very nice promotion video for Phang Nga Province:
(please click the link)

Montag, 27. Mai 2013

Slide Show

Here is a new version of our TV-slide show with music:

hier ist eine neue Version unserer TV-Diashow mit Musik:

thanks to Heiko Morris and Mattias Bergqvist to provide some of the pictures

danke an Heiko Morris und Mattias Bergqvist fuer die Bereitstellung einiger Fotos

Freitag, 24. Mai 2013


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